Founder of Rowan TEA Party Patriots Endorses Scott Keadle for Congress

Rowan County, NC—June 5, 2012—Scott Keadle, Republican candidate for North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District, has received the endorsement of Michael Lambe, Founder and Board Member of the Rowan TEA Party Patriots.

The Rowan TEA Party Patriots’ mission is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The endorsement is a huge boost for the Scott Keadle campaign as he tries to defeat an opponent favored by the Washington establishment.

The following is Michael Lambe’s endorsement letter:

“As a resident of the NC 8th Congressional district, I have reviewed the candidates in the Republican Run-off Primary to be held on July 17th.

In the first primary, I did not endorse a candidate.  Now, I feel it is time to send a clear statement to the D.C establishment insiders.

The residents of the 8th district deserve a leader like Dr. Scott Keadle to represent them, not a Washington insider like Richard Hudson, who launched his campaign from his D.C. office because the Establishment saw an opportunity.

We need a person who will stand up to the Establishment, not someone who lived and worked inside the Beltway until last October, and for most of his adult life.  Richard Hudson is being pushed on us by the status quo politicians and lobbyists in Washington because they know he can be easily controlled. If he were to be elected, he would work to protect his job and the jobs of his friends in D.C. instead of our jobs here in North Carolina. 

Scott Keadle, by contrast, will represent my family as well as my neighbors.  Scott is a true conservative who will not compromise his values or principles.  We need more leaders like Scott; he will not hold his finger up to see which way the political wind is blowing.

Voters and TEA Party supporters who are tired of the same political games have a great conservative option in North Carolina’s 8th district, and that is to support and vote for true conservative Scott Keadle.”

-Michael Lambe – Founder and Board Member, Rowan TEA Party Patriots

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